#3: Gotta catch ‘em all!
Depending on how old you are, you either missed out on the Pokémon craze, or you are involved in the craze. Being born in 1994 and being just a weird little kid who never got into toy cars or tractors, Pokémon was perfect for me! I watched the anime on Kids WB (because I didn’t have cable), but as soon as a new VHS came out, I had it. I got into playing the games pretty hardcore. All of my peers did as well. It is one of the few video games I can still get into playing to this very day. As a kid, I was the perfect consumer of Pokémon. I had the toys, a Pokémon themed birthday party, I collected the cards, played the games, collected plushies, a bed set, stickers... You name it, I most likely had it. I did end up getting rid of the cards I collected as a kid, but now I collect them in full force. Kayla and I started collecting the cards again a few months after we started dating. With the new packs, you get a code. You can enter online to get a digital booster pack, so you can play the trading card game online. I’ve actually never played the game with someone in person. Even with all the cards I own, I play online almost everyday. I used to never understand why my niece enjoyed watching people open toys on YouTube, but now I find myself watching people open Pokémon cards. Funny the way things work out. I’ve decided to go one stop further with my card collecting; I am getting original art sketch cards of all Gen 1 Pokémon. Once those are done, I’ll be moving on to the Second Gen. This way I can have something no one else has. I’m actually expecting my first in the mail soon: a Mankey! My favorite Pokémon has to be the ghost type Gengar. Today I filled out two applications and have an interview lined up for tomorrow. I hope I can find something soon. I really hate not having a job. Even though I am staying busy being unemployed, it not only hurts my bank account, but it hurts my self esteem. If you haven’t heard Weezer posted a cover of “Africa” by Toto, and you should check it out because it is wicked awesome.
Everyday I will be posting an entry in my writing challenge 100 Days which has been collected into a print collection. If you are interested in purchasing a print collection: http://www.lulu.com/shop/austin-hamblin/100-days/paperback/product-23916414.html