This script looks different from most of mine. When I work with the great Scott Twells I keep the script loose. Every collaboration is different and this works best for us.
The Adventures of Punk and Rock
Volume 2 Issue #1
Story/Art: Scott Twells
Script: Austin Allen Hamblin
Page #1:
Panel #1:
We see Punk and Rock with long beards and riggity clothes. Punk is pointing towards the reader.
Punk: Rock look! They’re back!
Rock: Holy nuts they are!
Panel #2:
Close up of Punk’s torso holding both of his hands up with palms out towards the read.
Punk: For the record it’s not our fault you haven’t seen us in a while…
Panel #3:
We see a split panel with Scott on one side on the phone talking to Austin on the other.
Caption: (Punk narrating): Here’s how it went down…
Caption: Scott Twells Artist
Caption: Austin Allen Hamblin Writer
Scott: Man kickstarter went well for the first volume!
Austin: Yeah everything turned out awesome!
Scott: Can’t wait to get started on the next issue I emailed you over some ideas.
Austin: Awesome man lets keep this momentum going!
Panel #4:
We see Austin sitting at his computer.
Panel #5:
We see Austin sitting at his computer the exact same way. We see the head of a woman (Kayla) in the background.
Caption: Two Months Later.
Kayla: Dude you really need to shower.
Panel #6
Zoom in on Austin’s face like he has realized something.
Caption: 4 Months Later
Austin: Man I still can’t believe it’s not butter. Wait how long was out..?
Page #2:
Panel #1:
We see Rat face flying away on a space ship while Punk and Rock are on the ground. Ratface is flipping them off out the window.
Caption (Punk Narrating): Since you last saw us ratface stole our spaceship leaving us on this apparently uninhabited planet.
Panel #2:
We see Punk and Rock sitting on the ground.
Caption: The narrator up and left us in search of work..
Rock: Been quiet lately don’t you think?
Panel #3:
We see Punk and Rock sleeping and a small asteroid is flying through the air .
Caption: Then well this happened…
Panel #4:
Small panel of a little tv slamming into the ground.
Panel #5:
View from as if we are the tv looking up at punk and rock looking down.
Rock: My prayers have been answered!
Punk: No way are we going to get any channels out here.
Panel #6:
Close up to the tv as it says press here pointing to a button.
Page #3:
Panel #1:
We see an alien in a suit it looks like a robot cat.
Cat(Singing): My name is kitty cat and I’ve been hired to say…..
Panel #2:
The cat is in front of Punk and Rock’s house.
Cat(singing): You must find a new place to stay! You’ve been….
Panel #3:
We see the cat doing the long leg kicks like the rocketeers with a bunch of sexy type female aliens.
Cat(singing): Evicted! Evicted! The bank now owns your house!
Panel #4:
The cat is wearing a top hat playing a guitar.
Cat(Singing): You must go back to the streets or back to mom and dad’s!
Panel #5:
The cat is holding the mic, breathing hard, and a bucket is above him water has been dumped on him.
Cat(singing): The song is done and that is all check me out on spotify dot com!!!!!
Panel #6:
We look at a very confused Punk and Rock.
Punk: I don’t know how to feel…
Rock: Yeah no more house, but I feel like that cat is going places.
Page #4:
Panel #1:
We are outside punk and rocks house it has a “For Sale” sign in front of it. Meanwhile we see two aliens in a repo truck. We see from behind a hooded figure.
Panel #2:
We see the hooded figure from behind he is near the two aliens at the repo truck.
Hoodie: Excuse me, could you point me in the directions of the owners of this house?
Panel #3:
Both of the aliens crack up laughing.
Alien #1: You mean the bank?
Alien #2: The chumps who owned this before didn’t pay so we got hired to clean it out.
Panel #4:
We get a front on view of the hoodied man, but still can’t see his face becase of a shadow.
Hoodie: My apologize. Do you have any idea where the previous residents may be?
Panel #5:
One of the aliens hands hoodie a picture.
Alien: Maybe this guy would know he was staying here when we showed up. You interested in buying any porno mags or cockroaches this place was full of them.
Panel #6:
We see the hoodied figure waving goodbye.
Hoodie: No thanks I’m all set with you know the free stuff online…
Panel #7:
Zoom in on the picture the alien gave him and its Ratface.
Page #5:
Panel #1:
We see Rock holding a round type rock with a crudely draw face on it.
Rock: Punk I want you to meet my new friend his name is Winslow.
Punk: Get rid of that thing we are trying to stay sane no imaginary friends.
Panel #2:
We see Rock look at Winslow.
Rock: You’rr right Punk. Sorry Winslow you just aren’t real.
Panel #3:
Little Rock has thrown Winslow on the ground. Blood is on little rock’s face.
Panel #4:
We look at the ground to see the top of Winslow’s head open his brain out.
Winslow: Why? Why would you do this to me…? I was going to get you both out of here…..
Panel #5:
Little Rock jumps on Punk.
Rock: You bastard! You made me kill me!
Panel #6:
View as if we are on the ground looking up as Rock throws punches to Punk on the ground.
Rock: He was the only friend I ever had!
Page #6:
Panel #1:
A cloud of dust with fists and legs coming out at random points.
Caption: I hate you! Your never their for me!
Caption: Dude I’ve been your only friend since kindergarden.
Caption: Only because no one liked you!
Caption: No one liked you either!
Panel #2:
They are both laying on the ground on their backs we are looking from above them down on them.
Caption: 30 Seconds Later.
Punk: Do you even remember how we meet?
Rock: Of course.
Panel #3:
We see young punk and rock sitting on a carpet surrounded by a bunch of other young aliens.
Caption: We where in kindergarten…
Panel #4:
We look on to the teacher who is a blob/slug type alien.
Teacher: Today we will be talking about General James T. Hooker.
Sound Effect: HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!
Panel #5:
We see Punk and Rock laughing really hard while all the other kids look on not understanding. We see the back of the teacher.
Teacher: Stop laughing you two don’t even know what a hooker is!
Page #7:
Panel #1:
We zoom in on the young Punk who has a duh look on his face.
Punk: Of course I know what a hooker is my mom is one! She gets paid to shit on people!
Panel #2:
Rock is in the corner and the rest of the panel is a older rock monster similar to him with hooks for hands and legs.
Rock: Wrong! My uncle is a hooker ever time he has to poop his screams decrease property values it hilarious!
Panel #3:
Close up of Punk.
Punk: I think she needs to be a hooker she looks like she has to go.
Panel #4:
Close up of Rock.
Rock: She would be a terrible hooker!
Panel #5:
We see the teacher who is now on fire and extremely angry.
Teacher: Punk…Rock…DETENTION NOW!
Page #8:
Panel #1:
We see Punk with his palm over his face (facepalmed).
Punk: Rock that wasn’t even close…
Rock: Then how did we meet?
Panel #2:
We see a leaf blowing in the wind.
Panel #3:
We see Rock in a suit sitting at the bus station with a box of chocolates in his hand.
Panel #4:
Rock turns to the woman next to him.
Rock: I am going to meet this girl I’ve been stalking for three years today!
Sound Effect: AGHHHH!!!!
Panel #5:
We see the city is overcome with zombies all who have lightsabers.
Page #9:
Panel #1:
Punk is holding up his hand with one finger out.
Punk: First off I wasn’t even in that story… Second you combined Forest Gump, The Walking Dead, and Star Wars….
Panel #2:
We see a very buff robot cyborg in his spaceship which has a bloody axe in the seat next to him and the ship is filled with different alien heads.
Robot: Scan surrounding planets for signs of life. I’ve got an itch and the only way to scratch it is with killin’
Panel #3:
A light lights up on his dash.
Caption(Ship talking): Two life forms have been detected within a travel of five minutes.
Robot: Set course! We are headed down murder lane!
Panel #4:
We see the ship flying towards the planet.
Page #10:
Panel #1:
We see both Punk and Rock leaned up against a palm tree one on each side.
Rock: Hey Punk?
Punk: Yes…
Rock: Watcha thinkin’ about..?
Panel #2:
We see alien babes in bikinis, beer, a video game system next to a big tv, and a ton of good looking food.
Caption (Punk): All the stuff I miss about home…
Panel #3:
We see a bunch of different weird smut magazines.
Rock: Same here.
Panel #4:
We see Ratface with two aliens sitting next to him at a bar.
Caption(Rock): I even miss Ratface..
Ratface: So I shoot both of them in the face and took their wives! I’m pretty much a bad ass.
Panel #5:
The hooded figure has now entered the bar towards the back headed towards Ratface.
Random Alien: I haven’t seen Punk and Rock in a while.. Punk borrowed my ship and never brought it back if I ever see him again I’ll kill him.
Random Alien #2: I’d help bastard sold me a timeshare…
Panel #6:
We see a gun held up next to Ratface’s face.
Hooded figure(Off panel): Speaking of Punk and Rock….
Page #11:
Panel #1:
We see Ratface and the other two aliens tied up in chairs in a back alley. We see the shadowy figure of the hooded figure.
Hood: Who can give me any information which could lead me to Punk and Rock?
Radom Alien: I wish I knew where they where!
Random Alien: I never even got to use the timeshare before the volcano planet erupted.
Panel #2:
The gun is shoved under Ratface’s chin.
Hood: As the notorious third wheel I have a good feeling you know how to find them.
Ratface: Look man I don’t even know any Punks or Rocks!
Panel #3:
We look on to the hooded figure holding a picture of rock passed out drawn on in sharpies with Punk and Ratface laughing.
Hood: Explain this.
Panel #4:
Close up of Ratface’s face.
Rat: Um…what is photoshop?
Panel #5:
The gun is next to rat face’s head and the hooded figure is whispering to him.
Hood: Let’s see if your head is as full of shit as the rest of you.
Panel #6:
Rat: Fine I’ll talk!
Page #12:
Panel #1:
The cyborg puts his hands on both Punk and Rock.
Cyborg: You guys need a lift?
Panel #2:
Close up of Punk and Rock with huge smiles.
Panel #3:
They are both hugging the cyborg.
Thank you is written all over this panel.
Panel #4:
The cyborg opens the door to his ship with tons of heads falling out.
Cyborg: Ignore those…uh… you never start decorating for Halloween to early.
Punk: How often do I say that! All the time!
Rock: They even smell like real heads.
Panel #5:
Everyone is in the spaceship.
Cyborg: You guys thirsty?
Panel #6:
The cyborg is holding two bottles of water and you can see a pill inside each dissolving.
Cyborg: I added some….um…flavor packets!
Panel #7:
We see Rock about to take a drink out of the water.
Rock: Has anyone ever told you how much you look like the space city slasher?
Page #13:
Panel #1:
We see the ship exiting the planet.
Cyborg: Can’t say I have must be good looking guy!
Panel #2:
We see the hooded figure holding a knife headed towards ratface in the chair.
Ratface: I swear its all I know! I left them on that planet all by themselves!
Panel #3:
The hooded man is in the back swing of using the knife.
Panel #4:
The two random aliens are holding their hands out as the hooded figure has freed them, however ratface is still tied up.
Hood: If you two really want revenge on the dastardly duo come with me and you will have your revenge.
Panel #5:
We see the two walking away with the hooded figure.
Ratface: What about me?
Random aliens: Lets get the bastards.
Panel #6:
The hooded figure reveals his face to ratface, but not the readers. We see Ratface’s jaw has dropped.
Hood: I’ll just leave you to think.
Ratface: How is that even possible…?
Page #14:
Splash Page
(This ended up on a page turn fuck yes)
The man in the trench coat has his hood down revealing it is a much older version of Punk, he has both of the random aliens on each side of him.
Hood: I will find you two no matter what it takes.
Page #15:
Panel #1:
Inside the spaceship with cyborg, punk and rock.
Cyborg: You fellas mind if we stop at my place before I drop you off?
Punk: Sure why not?
Rock: Yeah what could go wrong?
Panel #2:
We see Punk and Rock deep in a trench.
Caption: Five days later.
Panel #3:
Close up of Cyborg’s face.
Cyborg: Shit!
Panel #4:
We see him running at tons of police officers with a machete.
Panel #5:
We see him getting gunned down.
Page #16:
Panel #1:
We see Punk and Rock with blankets sitting in the back of an ambulance.
Cop: Glad to find you when we did.
Punk: What would he have done to us?
Panel #2:
We see a giant blender and the cyborg in a hot tub of blood.
Cop: Well he would’ve put you in a giant blender then take a bath in you.
Panel #3:
We see the cop holding out a phone to the duo.
Cop: You boys got anyone you need to call?
Punk: I think we are kind of on our own.
Rock: I have someone..
Panel #4:
We see Rock on the phone.
Rock: Hey…yeah big brother it’s me……could you? I don’t mena to interrupt your tour…Thanks.
Panel #5:
Punk next to rock.
Punk: You have a brother?!?!?
Rock: Yeah… you are a big fan of his…. My brother is Diamond Neil..
Caption: Next issue we find out who old man Punk is and what he wants! We will also learn more about Diamond Neil!