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Day #29: Wall Space

Austin Hamblin


#29: Wall Space

I was the kind of kid

who ran out of room on his walls for posters. Living on my own now, it’s pretty much the same, for the most part. I end up with random pins from conventions and kickstarters, and I have all of those on my drapes. From where I sit right now (in the living room), I can see a few unopened action figures hanging up on the wall, some comics command stripped to the walls, some stuffed animals hanging, key-chains up on pins, a llama head, and some original art. I always thought it weird when I went to a friends house, and they didn’t have anything on the wall. I keep ending up with posters from different things I don’t even have room to hang, so I keep them nice and will probably end up giving them away. When I worked at Hy-Vee, Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice was coming out, and they had a promotional deal with Dr.Pepper or Pepsi, and I got to take the giant cardboard display home. I also have two of these really old movies posters my dad bought at an auction for me. They are for some really old movies, actually shown in parts as a serial: Zombies of the Stratosphere and Jungle Drums of Africa. He only paid $40 for them, and they are both originals. In the stairway headed upstairs, one side is filled with pictures of my family and friends, the other with Kayla’s family and friends, and the middle area is pictures with myself and Kayla together. The only room where we don’t have anything on the wall is our bedroom. Which works really well, because it makes it easier to decompress.

Everyday I will be posting an entry in my writing challenge 100 Days which has been collected into a print collection. If you are interested in purchasing a print collection:

Kayla and I have also started a weekly podcast. You can check it out here: It's called In the Bed with Austin and Kayla because we literally record it as we lay in bed!

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